Calling in “The One”

Has Helped Hundreds of Thousands of People to Manifest the Partner of Their Dreams and on its 20th Anniversary–
Can Support You to Do the Same


Are You Ready to Rewrite Your Love Story and Attract a Happy, Healthy, Whole-Hearted Partnership with Confidence, Grace and Ease?

When Calling in “The One” was created 20-years ago, it revolutionized the way we approached dating and relating and evolved our perspective on how to attract an ideal partner.

The process didn’t focus on external action, offering specific tips and tactics to support you finding someone to “settle down” with. 

Instead, Katherine Woodward Thomas turned the tables and redirected the focus inward, creating a 7-step process that has inspired people to grow and evolve towards love, allowing them to embody their authentic magnetic essence and attract “The One”not just anyone

Over the last 20-years, the core principles of Calling in “The One” have supported hundreds of thousands of people to experience profound breakthroughs that removed the tenacious, yet subtle ways they’d unknowingly been sabotaging their love lives for years and let go of them forever—so that they were finally ready, available and able to “call in” their perfect match.

And the principles are just as powerful today, and still helping tens of thousands each year to manifest miracles of fulfillment and happiness in love.

Ready to Rewrite Your Love Story?

The longing you have for a partner who gets you, protects you, is trustworthy, conscious, caring and committed–and who lights you up when they walk in the room, is healthy, good and right.

We all need happy, healthy, loving relationships to become our best selves and to realize the higher potentials we hold in all areas of life.

Which is why many of us feel frustrated, confused and discouraged when year-after-year, regardless of the effort we’ve exerted, all the tactics we’ve tried, or the various approaches we’ve appliedwe find ourselves alone again, deflated by repeated disappointments, and feeling lost as to how we might change them.

The false starts . . .toxic dynamics . . .disappointing prospects . . . and disastrous dates leave many smart, successful, creative, bright and competent people (like you!) feeling helpless and at the mercy of what feels like an unfair fate.

Happy 20th Anniversary to
Calling in “The One!”

There is a proven successful process that has worked for hundreds of thousands of people,

that will awaken you to a whole new set of beliefs, and inspire you with how to apply an entirely new set of healthy, self-respecting behaviors that are sourced from a deep sense of authentic confidence and clarity, which will then generate a radical breakthrough to long-lasting happiness in love.

It was developed by New York Times Bestselling Author Katherine Woodward   Thomas and first published 20-years ago in her breakthrough book, Calling in “The One. Since then, the core principles of the work have stood the test of time and Katherine has used this proven-process to support countless people to attract the conscious relationship of their dreams, and she can show you how you can do the same.  

No matter how persistent and hurtful your patterns in love have been, it is not your fate to be alone.

It can be hard to see others finding love so easily, while we continue to struggle.

And it’s easy to start suspecting that something is terribly wrong. Not just with the dating culture but with us. Secretly, we wonder if maybe we’re the problem! Or, worse, we begin believing that it’s somehow just our fate to be alone forever.

Yet, the truth is…your past disappointments in love say little about your ability to manifest a radically different future of deep happiness and longevity in love

Love belongs to all of us. Yet, most of us have never been taught how to identify and release our unconscious internal blocks and barriers to creating happy, healthy love. 

Nor have we been given the tools we’ll need to ensure that love goes well when we do find it.

But these are things we can easily learn. And once you do, you’ll be amazed at how quickly your love life will be transformed for the better, forever.

Katherine created the Calling in “The One” Course to augment and enhance the tools, principles, and practices you’ll find in her evergreen bestselling book.

And when the principles of the Calling in “The One” process are paired with the expert teaching and coaching sessions that Katherine leads each week, plus access to the Calling in “The One” Certified Coaches and the collective community who will be right there with you throughout your 49-day journey, the obstacles that have been holding you back will be revealed and removed, and you will discover the key practices that will fast-track your ability to manifest the miracle of true love.  

Katherine created the Calling in “The One” Course to augment and enhance the tools, principles, and practices you’ll find in her evergreen bestselling book.

And when the principles of the Calling in “The One” process are paired with the expert teaching and coaching sessions that Katherine leads each week, plus access to the Calling in “The One” Certified Coaches and the collective community who will be right there with you throughout your 49-day journey, the obstacles that have been holding you back will be revealed and removed, and you will discover the key practices that will fast-track your ability to manifest the miracle of true love.  

You will be amazed at how quickly your love life will transform
once you release your unconscious blocks and barriers to love &

Discover the Keys to Manifesting the Miracle of Love

In the Calling in “The One” digital course, you’ll be guided step-by-step through the simple, yet radically transformative process that’s been THE turning point in the love life of hundreds of thousands of people.

And once you use it to release your unconscious blocks and barriers to love, you’ll become a magnet to the joyful, conscious, supportive relationship you desire

In the Calling in “The One” digital course, you’ll discover how to:

Here’s how the Course works:

At the end of 49-days, you’ll be free from any unhealthy patterns that have prevented you from realizing your full potential in love and you’ll be liberated to create a new happier, healthier and infinitely more satisfying story of love fulfilled.  

Ready to Rewrite Your Love Story?

What Past Participants are
Saying About Calling in “The One”

Calling in “The One”: 49 Days to Love
A Week-By-Week Course Overview

Introduction & WEEK ONE:
Opening to and Preparing for Love

  • Break through any resignation you may have about your love life and become grounded in the possibility you hold for happy, healthy and fulfilling love;
  • Identify your disappointing patterns in love and recognize how they’ve been happening through you rather than to you, and awaken your power to evolve beyond them;
  • Learn the biggest mistake you may be making in your quest for love and discover the single most important thing you can do to create the miracle of love in your life;
  • Set a bold intention for love to unleash a slew of synchronicity and magic that will ensure your vision for love becomes your new reality;

Clearing Your Hidden Blocks & Barriers to Love

  • See the specific ways that you have been the source of your past disappointing experiences in love – and be liberated to create new, more fulfilling experiences moving forward;
  • Discover the secret to freeing yourself from old festering hurts – so you can love someone new with an open and unfettered heart;
  • Learn the keys to transforming toxic relationship dynamics – and generate greater levels of health and wellbeing in all your connections;
  • Become aware of the old agreements that have been binding you to your past – and make new ones that free you to welcome an exquisite love into your life.

Claiming Your True “Love Identity” to Create the Relationship You Desire

  • Identify the specific false beliefs that have been sabotaging your ability to create happy, healthy love – and learn the step-by-step pathway to evolving beyond them;
  • See clearly the subtle and covert ways of relating that have unconsciously been causing you to duplicate old painful patterns in love – and graduate from them forever;
  • Awaken to your worthiness to love and be loved – and unleash your power to create a relationship that lights you up, inspires you and brings out the best of who you are;
  • Ground your awakening by taking bold actions and engaging your growth – to make living from your true “love identity” your new normal.

Becoming Magnetic to the Miracle of Love

  • Learn how to let go of desperately trying to make love happen and discover the joys of making it welcomed – to magically magnetize love into your life;
  • Embrace and delight in your deeper desires for love – and begin relating to them as an inspired blueprint for the partnership that’s possible for you to have;
  • Start showing up as the powerful and self-respecting woman or man that you are – rather than as a wounded child in your most intimate relationships;
  • Craft a wildly inspiring vision of happy, healthy love that exhilarates you and catapults you towards the fulfillment of that future.

Awakening to Self Love as the Source of Loving Another

  • Understand the key differences between self-love, self-care and self-esteem –and elevate all three ways of loving yourself in preparation for loving another;
  • Make a fierce pledge to yourself to go all the way to realize your highest potentials in love – and inspire your partner to rise to support you to fulfill this commitment;
  • Learn to have an empowered relationship with your feelings and needs to deepen love and intimacy with “The One” you call into your life;
  • Reclaim your sensual self and increase the ways you love, care for and respect your body (just as it is!) as the sweet and sacred home you offer your beloved.

Activating Your Future of Love Fulfilled

  • Align your life with the future you’re committed to creating – and start making different choices and taking bold actions to turn your dreams into your reality;
  • Bust the covert and dis-empowering beliefs you’ve had about others – and start showing up in ways that command respect and compel greater levels of care and consideration;
  • Discover the one potent practice that will prevent you from ever feeling bad about yourself while on a date again;
  • Identify and begin to cultivate those specific skills and capacities you’ll need to graduate from your old disappointing patterns – and ensure you’ll maximize the potentials you hold for true happiness in love.

Receiving Love Into Your Life

  • Discover how to show-up as radiant and irresistible – to inspire your beloved to recognize you instantly as “The One” for them;
  • Deepen into your intuitive knowing – to confidently navigate your way home to love;
  • Learn to use any obstacles, disappointments and delays as opportunities to deepen into your own power and magnetism – and become unstoppable on your pathway to happy, healthy love;
  • Begin weaving a field of relatedness wherever you go – and start causing the flourishing of life and love everywhere.

Closing Ritual & Celebration

  • Gain greater clarity and embodiment by holistically integrating each of the powerful 7-steps you’ve just engaged;
  • Enjoy the exchange of appreciation between fellow course participants, the Calling in “The One” Certified Coaches, the team who made the magic happen behind the scenes and Katherine;
  • Discover powerful next steps that will allow you to continue on your Calling in “The One” journey;
  • Experience a reflective ritual closing ceremony to activate your magnetism to “call in” your soul partner.

Calling in “The One”: 49 Days to Love
Course Materials and Resources

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Calling in “The One”: 49 Days to Love
Digital Course Available Now

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The World’s Top Thought Leaders
Share Their Gratitude for Katherine's Work

Marianne Williamson

#1 New York Times bestselling author, spiritual teacher, and world-renowned lecturer

“There are people in all our lives to whom we listen with our ears perked, and for me, Katherine Woodward Thomas is such a person. Katherine is a woman I look to for wisdom and counsel. How wonderful that her advice is available to all.”

Marci Shimoff

New York Times bestselling author of Happy For No Reason

“Katherine’s grounded and fierce tenderness has been an inspiring force for me for years. She is a visionary whose passion for both personal and global fulfillment is felt throughout her writing, presence and teachings. I am so grateful for her.”

Gabrielle Bernstein

New York Times bestselling author of Miracles Now

“Katherine is my relationship guru. Her wisdom and guidance helped me clear all blocks to romantic freedom.”

Dr. Jean Houston

Prolific writer and author of 27 books including A Mythic Life: Learning to Live Our Greater Story and The Wizard of Us: Transformational Lessons From Oz

“Katherine Woodward Thomas is a master teacher and one of the great pioneers who is offering new perspectives, skills and tools that will lead us into the depths of authentic loving, and to the true potency and power of relationship.”

Dr. Jean Houston

Prolific writer and author of 27 books including A Mythic Life: Learning to Live Our Greater Story and The Wizard of Us: Transformational Lessons From Oz

“Katherine Woodward Thomas is a master teacher and one of the great pioneers who is offering new perspectives, skills and tools that will lead us into the depths of authentic loving, and to the true potency and power of relationship.”

I’m Katherine Woodward Thomas, MA, MFT, licensed psychotherapist and New York Times bestselling author of Calling in “The One.

I’ve had the honor and privilege of teaching hundreds of thousands of smart, successful, creative, bright and competent people—people who, like yourself, are conscious, caring individuals who have done impressive and meaningful things with their lives—yet who were initially confused as to why finding love had been so challenging for them.

Most viewed their failed relationships (or lack of a relationship) as something completely outside of their control. They’d tried many things to improve their luck in love—dating sites, matchmakers, blind dates or singles events. They’d even tried not trying!

Pretending they no longer cared, secretly hoping that by letting go, love would somehow manage to find them.

Yet nothing worked.

Which is why I designed this course to support you to discover a tried and true, elegant and joyful way to manifest the miracle of happy, healthy love that has worked for hundreds of thousands of people.

If you’re ready to free yourself from your old painful patterns in love and wake up to the power you are holding to draw into your life the love you desire, I encourage you to join me for this powerful 49-day journey.

If you have questions about the program, please email us at

©2024 Katherine Woodward Thomas. All rights reserved.