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You’re all set to attend Calling in “The One” In-Depth Book Study: An 8-Week Journey to Attract the Love of Your Life with Katherine Woodward Thomas.

During this 8-week study with Katherine, you’ll:

  • Discover how your disappointing patterns in love have been happening through you rather than just to you – and awaken your power to create an unpredictable and unprecedented future of happiness in love;
  • See clearly the inconsistencies, incompletions and invisible barriers that have been sabotaging your love life for years – and learn how to dissolve these obstacles once and for all;
  • Finally get the support you’ve needed to put your past to rest – so that you’re liberated to create a miracle in your love life;
  • Awaken to the truth of your value and worthiness to love and be loved – and start living from this center to transform all of your relationships;
  • Become a magnet to the kind of soulful love you deeply desire.

… and much more.

For now, mark your calendar now to join us LIVE for the first session!

Wednesday, October 19, 2022

And enjoy your Exclusive Bonus:
The Evolving Love 3-Part Series

Evolving Beyond Codependency

The Keys to Creating Healthy Interdependent Relationships
Video Teaching from Katherine Woodward Thomas

In this powerful session, Katherine takes you on a deep dive to identify the erroneous underlying beliefs that drive codependent behaviors — and help you to weed out this disempowered dynamic at its core. You’ll learn what codependency is, how it’s been undermining your relationships, and the precise pathway beyond it. You can graduate from your painful relational patterns and create happier, healthier interdependent relationships that set you up to flourish and thrive in life and love.

Emotionally Healthy Relationships

How Good Boundaries Keep Love Happy & Safe
Video Teaching from Katherine Woodward Thomas

In this inspiring workshop, you’ll discover how to create healthy and sustainable boundaries that generate greater levels of safety and wellbeing in all of your relationships. Katherine will guide you in developing a heightened awareness of your own limits and boundaries so you can keep your relational field healthy and fit. You’ll also understand how to have better boundaries so that you can trust yourself to get close to someone.

Generative Communication Skills

Tips & Tools for Creating True Love
Video Teaching from Katherine Woodward Thomas

There’s a pervasive myth in our culture that true love just happens. The truth is, the kind of loving, safe, and nurturing bonds that last never just happen. In this eye-opening video teaching, Katherine shares some of the communication skills that will allow your relationships to flourish. You’ll learn about words that build worlds and help you cultivate the future you’re committed to creating.

Keep an eye on your inbox! You’ll receive an email from us shortly, with more information about the course.

Make sure you check your promotions tab if you don’t see the email from us with your link—and if you still don’t see it, don’t hesitate to reach out to us at

About Katherine

Katherine Woodward Thomas, M.A., MFT is the New York Times Bestselling Author of Calling in “The One:” 7 Weeks to Attract the Love of Your Life and Conscious Uncoupling: 5 Steps to Living Happily Even After, which inspired the conscious breakup of Gwyneth Paltrow and Chris Martin, and launched a movement towards kinder, more honorable breakups and divorce.

Katherine is an award-winning licensed marriage and family therapist, and teacher to hundreds of thousands in her virtual and in-person learning communities, as well as a featured teacher on the internally-renowned online transformational learning giant, Mindvalley. To date, she’s trained and certified hundreds to be Calling in “The One” Coaches and Conscious Uncoupling Coaches.

She is also a Billboard Charting jazz singer whose album, Lucky in Love that was co-written and co-produced with the Brothers Koren went to #1 on the iTunes jazz charts in 2019.

©2021 Katherine Woodward Thomas